why daycare sick

A daycare is a place where parents leave their child to be supervised and taken care of while they are away from work. There are a lof benefits that come with letting your child join a daycare center. Improvement in their physical, mental, social, and emotional health is guaranteed for children that grow comfortably in daycare. There is, however, one concern that a lot of parents voice out when it comes to sending their child to daycares. There have been a few observations shown that children may be more prone to getting sick after attending daycares and this is not such a suprising discovery. There are a lot of children in daycares and children have a lower immune system in general. They are more open to viruses and the common flu. This does not mean that it poses severe danger to your child’s health.
Getting sick in a daycare can actually be a good thing. Kids adapt to their environment and their bodies do as well. Being surround by a lot of kids and being open to common viruses in the air can strengthen the immune system. This is just how our body naturally adapts. This does not mean that daycares should not be in an environment that is clean. On the contrary, daycares is a very sanitary place where everyone makes sure that children, teachers, staff, and helpers keep washing their hands or sanitizing it after activities and before eating. Kids are just more sensitive to getting sick because their bodies are still not as well-adjusted to preventing the common viruses around us.