how daycare affects child development
It is known that daycare has a lot to offer children especially when it comes to improving their personal development. Depending on the daycare that parents choose for their child and whether it is truly compatible with them, the development of a child inside the daycare can have long-lasting effects on their behavior and outlook in life. The quality of the daycare they have received will also reflect on whether it will affect the children in a positive or negative light when they grow older. Some children take time to adjust to daycare and may not take the separation anxiety too well. On the other hand, there are children that barely demostrates any form of anxiety and even shows eagerness to enter daycares. Those that do not take time to adjust to daycare environments will have a stronger sense of security and will find it easier to prepare for entering school.
The time in which a child is kept in daycare can affect their behavioral responses. They may develop negative behaviors such as aggression, noncompliance, and irritation when they are kept at daycare centers too long. Opposite to this effect, children that are kept in daycare with the right amount of hours and quality care showed a more optimistic outcome in which they develop attentiveness, discipline, independence, and cooperation with their peers. Overall, daycares help a lot in a child’s cognitive and language development. Being surrounded by peers of different ages can allow them to familiarize words and expressions used by adults and other kids.