Daycare Vs Babysitting
Children grow and develop based on what kind of environment they are exposed to. This begs the question for parents if they would need to send their child to a daycare or just hire babysitting services for their child at home. There are plenty of ways that babysitting can accommodate your child. The most convenient factor is that there is no need to fetch them from a particular place, unlike in daycare, because babysitting is usually done at home. There is also no longer a need for your child or their guardian to bring them necessities because everything they need would be at home. It is also convenient to hire babysitters at night when there are no daycares open and if parents would need to be away for a few hours.
When it comes to really teaching early childhood development, however, daycares are proven to be of more advantage. They have sufficient materials and can provide for the needs for all the children of different ages in the group. Like Big Fun playcare in Davao, they encourage free play and a lot of interactive activities. They have more structure when it comes to figuring out what activities are best done for each age group. They accommodate the needs of your child and at the same time, involves them with other peers through play and other type of interaction. A child’s individulaity improves better in daycares compared to having them stay at home and have someone babysit them. They learn to be more independent, caring, and obeservant in a daycare environment.