Daycare How Early

Daycares are center-based facilities aimed to provide services to care for children when their parents or guardians are away. They provide care for infants, toddlers and older children that may have already started school. They are not like schools where there are a scheduled number of hours for the children to join academics classes. Daycares are basically open for the entire day or at least during the normal working hours for parents and guardians. Parents basically send their children to daycares when they do not have supervision at home and the parents need a place for them to be taken care of by someone that is trustworthy.
Neighborhood playcare centers such as Big Fun in Davao is one example of a child care center that can be very convenient to parents. Their daily opening hour is as early as and parents can fetch their children as late as 9 pm. The convenient thing about daycare centers is that timing is more flexible than in school establishments where they have fixed hours. Parents can also bring in their children to playcare centers such as Big Fun to surround their children with their peers and a friendly staff that would ensure a high level of care for your child’s well-being. Most parents need to get to work in the morning and that is why a lot of daycares also open early to accommodate this. Even with children that already have their own nannies, they can bring them along to the daycare centers especially for babies and toddlers that have not been potty-trained.