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when does daycare get easier

It may be anxiety-inducing to a lot of parents and their children when they need to be away from each other. For parents, it is never easy to be away from your child and the initial days of them going to daycare will take a lot of patience and willpower to overcome not being paranoid about their safety. Time will make parents get used to the idea that their child is in good hands and are well-taken care of. It gets easier for parents when they are in open communication with the daycare workers and they can be timely updated on how their kid is doing while at the center. It is understandable that daycares should not constantly message the parents about their child after a while at the daycare, but it is a good practice to do for at least their first week at the daycare to reassure the parents that their child is coping well.

For the kids, it gets easier to be in the daycare once they meet their new peers and get to be comfortable with playing with them and doing activities with them. It gets easier for kids when they form a bond with their daycare educator and find a sense of security with their supervision. Children will find it easier to cope with the routine of daycare once they realize that every day, their parents will fetch them after work and bring them back home. The more activities that interest them in the daycare and the more fun that they are having, they will find it easier to be comfortable.

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