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daycare vs stay at home

The thought of leaving your child with a stranger is very scary for a lot of parents. Daycares, however, are a common and accepted child care service that plenty of parents actually do not mind opting for nowadays. Daycares are generally safe because it is licensed and has professional staff and teachers trained to help children with their basic needs. Some parents may want to skip this idea, as their child may be able to just stay at home with a relative or guardian. Sending your children to a daycare costs money and there are certainly many parents that would like to save this money and find alternatives to help accommodate their child and it can be as simple as just having them stay at home for someone else to supervise.

There are certain benefits, however, of letting your child join a daycare center instead of just staying at home. Valuable lessons and experiences that children cannot get at home, will be a motivating factor for your child to enjoy daycare. Big Fun playcare in Davao is a fresh and fun example that can showcase how a daycare can benefit your child. They encourage natural learning for the kids, that is interactive and very exclusive. A vision to ‘reduce screen time’ for children is what makes them standout as a playcare center. We know that kids nowadays are very attached to their devices because of the internet, an Big Fun makes sure that their devices do not cause distraction to their free play. The opportunity of being with other children is what makes daycares much more rewarding for your child than just being at home.

To know more about Our Facilities Services Contact us at : 0917 771 9885 | 0823260319 or Click Here so one of our Advocates can contact you.