Daycare Vs Nanny Share
Families know that daycare center is where parents can take their children to play, learn, eat and nap while they are away. They involve kids in activities, tend to their needs, and benefit their overall development. Daycares are known to be an important part of a child’s development as they get to be exposed to other people; kids and adults alike, and socialize with them. Their interaction with their fellow kids helps them to build their emotional, mental, and social skills. Discipline is taught in this group setting and the children learn to become more independent and response to social cues. It is also scientifically proven that kids that go to daycare have an overall higher developmental progress than kids that do not go to daycare.
There are other childcare service, however, that people do not explore as much. One example is hiring nannies. This is quite similar to hiring a babysitter but with a few more benefits. Nannies are generally more experienced in taking care of kids.Nannies can help in housework and make sure that everything is in proper order at home. The scope of work for nannies is somewhat similar to a beloved family member that goes above and beyond to take care of your home and your kid while the parents are away. There are also services called nanny share that typically involves another family’s child or children that your nanny will also take care of along with your child. This can be a good setup for your child as they can socialize with more people.