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Daycare Vs Childcare

‘Daycare’ and ‘childcare’ are two terms that a lot of people tend to use interchangeably. They may both mean a place where children are cared for during the day while their parents are at home. There are some that do not prefer to say daycare when referring to any type of child care services that establishments have to offer. This is because it seems very casual and only highlights that the service is done during the ‘day’. The term ‘daycare’ does not explain what kind of service they provide and the term ‘child care’ seems more inclusive. The term ‘daycare’, however, was used earlier and a lot of people, especially countries with American influence, understand that this term simply means a place where children can be taken care of during the day while their parents are away.

Some child care centers offer activities that are typically done in daycares, however, are also called differently to make the title sound more appropriate to the service they offer. For example, Big Fun playcare in Davao is a ‘playcare’ center that does provide services to take care of the children the same as in daycare but they focus more on the play factor. Hands-on activities, interaction and socializing with other kids are the way for them to discover and be curious about a lot of things. Instead of teaching children by the book, Big Fun allows the children to learn by experience and exploration. This is especially great for kids that are very active and like to have fun.

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