when daycare start

Daycares started as small nurseries where babies are taken care of while thier mothers were away for work. This started outside of the US by a French philanthropist named Firmin Marbeau at around the 1840s in Paris. Around this time, building this daycare or ‘crèche’, as they call it, enabled working-class mothers to work jobs outside of their home. There was a divide in the higher and lower class people in society and mothers that needed to earn money to take care of children found it a great help that a daycare center was established to assist them. In the US, the first few daycares were built by private charities around the 1850s. This is also mainly aimed to help working mothers to keep their job while daycare workers are taking care of their baby.
After some of these daycare establishments have been built around the world, they have slowly been incorporated in school and work setting where the government found the need for it. Most of the early daycare centers focused more on early childhood care for infants and toddlers. Most of them could be titled as nurseries instead of the typical daycare center that we have now that caters to a wider range of age for children. Daycares were not a luxury back then but were established to help the majority of working single mothers and those that are struggling with their daily lives. There were no fancy gadgets for children to play and there were no playground facilities where they can enjoy themselves.