what do daycare workers wear

Daycare workers should dress comfortably to make it easier for them to perform their daily tasks. Dressing comfortably does not mean wearing pajamas or shorts, sleeveless shirts, and slippers.Daycare workers should take in mind that while it is important for them to be comfortable to do their work effectively, they still need to look presentable to the children. Children would look up to them as a positive role model and their perception of a person is also affected by what they wear. Daycare workers should avoid wearing revealing clothing that is unnecessary for a daycare environment and would have a negative image in the eyes of parents as well.
The clothes that daycare workers should wear should be functional. They are around the daycare looking after the kids, constantly moving about and expending a lot of physical energy. They do this for the whole day with little kids, which means that they would need to bend, lift them up, squat, run or even crawl for certain activities with the kids. It can get messy and sweaty for the daycare worker, therefore functional clothing that is perfect for this scenario can be just a simple T-shirt and a pair of pants that are not too tight. There are plenty of ways to mix clothes up in a way that there is no need to wear just a plain shirt and pants every day. There are other appropriately fitting blouses and pants such as culottes than daycare workers can mix and match to keep their appearance presentable and comfortable.