what are daycare workers called

There are many titles we can call the workers that are in our daycare but we can simply call them child care workers. These are the people that take help take care of the children in the absence of their parents or family members. They can stay until the evening when the daycare is about to close and parents are fetching the last few children in the daycare. There are also daycare workers that really just stay in the morning to help out with the children and they are simply called daycare workers. There are other types of childcare workers that can be called different names because the scope of their job in a daycare is relatively different.
There are professional educators which we call Early childhood educators (ECE) that are in charge of setting up the academic curriculum of the children in daycare. There are also Teacher Aides that help the early childhood educators during their lessons with the children. They can also help with planning fun activities for the children that will be benefit their personal development. There are also people who work in daycares that are not so involved with the children overall and these are the Office Administrators. They are in charge of the administrative processes that needs to be done for the daycare at the back-end of the daycare center. Office administrators make sure that their daycare is running smoothly and being functional with a complete and ready set of materials and equipment. Other childcare workers that can work in flexible hours that are not involved in the operations of daycare centers are called babysitters or nannies that provide home service.