Daycare Vs Preschool

Kids are constantly growing and learning and it all starts at home. There will come a time that parents would need to send their children to school or daycare and,for new parents especially, this can be quite a confusing task. There are two options that parents can start to search for for their children. The first option is sending them to a daycare center that is basically a place where they can be supervised, accommodated and make new friends to play with. Daycares have a wider range of age for kids. It is good for toddlers that are not yet so familiar with socializing with other children. On the other hand, if your kid is of the proper age where they should start learning their basic academic knowledge, preschool is the way to go.
Parents give the earliest foundation for their children to learn their basic academic skills. Learning to count numbers and memorizing their alphabets starts at home, therefore, some parents may prefer for their child to take it slow and be in an environment where their child can enjoy themselves while learning to adapt and grow in a different environment. A daycare builds a different kind of foundation that cannot be done at home or in preschool. It is recommended for parents to, first of all, find a daycare where their child can feel comfortable. Sending them straight to preschool can also work, however, they will be missing out on the values and experience that daycare has to offer. A good example for daycare in Davao is Big Fun playcare. They are comprised of teachers that are also parents, which means that the overall environment that they promote builds on care just like at home.