Daycare Versus Preschool

Parents would love for their child to be in a welcoming environment that will help them grow even when they are away. There are plenty of child care services that offer this but daycare centers seem to be the popular choice. This is a non-academic alternative for children to stay at where they get to be with peers and be accommodated for their needs will also being supervised. On the other hand, some parents send their child straight to preschool which is a place where children are taught basic knowledge to prepare them for grade school. Both establishments encourage early childhood development but in different ways.
As mentioned, preschool focuses on the academic side of development in children. Daycares are just an overall place for children to grow and develop with the help of play and activities and being around their peers. Their exposure to this kind of environment will allow them to be able to observe better and learn from the actions and reactions of other children. There are plenty of types and locations of daycares and finding one that your child can be comfortable with is the best way for parents to ensure they are learning and growing comfortably at their own pace. A great example is Big Fun playcare in Davao that allows the children to make the best out of their time in the establishment. They offer several activities to enhance their development and they have initiatives that a lot of parents will appreciate. Reducing screen time is a concern for them and they make sure that kids have fun and grow naturally and with proper interaction.