Daycare How Much Does It Cost

Daycare centers are considered as a practical choice for many families with working parents. Taking care of your children is a top priority for parents but they must also earn a living to pay for all the family expenses. There are jobs that may not have much flexibility in arranging working hours for parents and because of this, they need a reliable place for their children to be supervised while they are away. Daycares are convenient for parents as they have more flexible opening hours compared to preschools or other establishments for kid’s care. They commonly have longer hours where children can be dropped by and accommodated even after-school. There are many different types of daycare centers and depending on its location, size and branding; the cost will differ as well.
One example of a good playcare center with services that are ‘worth the price’ is Big Fun in Davao. Location-wise, they are away from malls and office building where daycares may feel more institutionalized. This means they are more inexpensive but the cost will still vary depending on the number of hours parents would like their children to be at the center. They have half-day and whole day rates. There are several choices in the timing and services they offer depending on the parent’s needs. They have daily rates, weekly rates, and monthly rates. The cost also depends on the age of your child; if they are infants that have nannies, toddlers or children that are already of schooling age. Older children are generally less expensive because they are more independent and require less supervision.