Daycare and Learning Center

There is a significant difference between daycares and learning centers. Starting with the number of children, daycares are usually held in smaller classes as most daycares have a set number of teachers to child ratio to help monitor them more efficiently. Learning centers, on the other hand, are made up of bigger classes where children are involved in subject-based learning instead of free play and developmental activities like in daycares. Another difference that they have is that daycares are responsible for tending to the children’s personal needs and wellbeing. Learning centers, on the other hand, enforces a classroom type of environment where children do not need constant monitoring and guidance. They are encouraged to learn basic lessons on academics to prepare them for grade school.
Parents may find it difficult to choose between these two types and some may not even know the difference. It all comes down to what their child needs to learn and where they are at their developmental age. It is important for parents to remember that introducing a new environment for children can be difficult and it is best to start in a location where they can still feel a sense of home. There are daycares and learning centers in business-like establishments and this is best for kids with parents that are working nearby. There are also daycares and learning centers around the neighborhood just like Big Fun in Davao, that is built to cater for families and their children that prefer a more inclusive environment where free play is encouraged for their development.